Adaptive Paddle Clinic - Lake Crabtree County Park


Come learn how to kayak with the Bridge II Sports Adaptive Paddle Program


Bridge II Sports Adaptive Paddle Clinic will introduce people with a physical disability to the sport of kayaking.  During the clinic, we will adapt a kayak to your disability so that you can you can paddle it effeciently.  You will be taught basic paddling skills, how to exit the kayak when capsized, and how to re-enter after capsize.  Due to the nature of the course there are some prerequisistes for the class.  Items #7 - 11 will be taugh in class.

Requirments of the class:

  1. Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing) 
  2. Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water 
  3. Independently hold head upright without neck / head support 
  4. Manage personal care independently or with assistance of a companion 
  5. Manage personal mobility independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance 
  6. Follow instructions and effectively communicate independently or with assistance of a companion 
  7. Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up while wearing a properly fitted life jacket* 
  8. Get in / out of a paddlecraft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance* 
  9. Independently get out and from under a capsized paddlecraft* 
  10. Reenter the paddlecraft following deep water capsize independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance* 
  11. Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities and rescues listed in the appropriate Course Outline, and have the ability to recognize and identify to others when such efforts would be unsafe given your personal situation*

* To participate in adaptive programs, participants must acknowledge only the first six EEC listed above.  Entry-level adaptive programs will involve teaching and practicing EEC #7-11. 

Registration is required for the event

Registration Deadline is 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the event

Take advantage of Member Perks, which includes unlimited free registraion to all Bridge II Sports Programs and more, at this link:  Bridge II Sports Membership

If you have any questions, please contact Wes Hall at: